Tag Archives: Livingston

a day of rest before more crazy stuff!


Day 62: Livingstone, Zambia (8 November 2009)

We got up extra early this morning to see the others off. The tour officially ends after breakfast but we weren’t sure when or if we’d be able to catch up with anyone later as all of the flights were leaving at different times. The others who flew over Victoria Falls didn’t see the falls from the ground level so Paul and Karel offered to drive them there around 8am so we got up to say goodbye and see them off. We said our goodbyes (hoping to in the future meet up with Ian and Louise in Africa or somewhere else in the world) and then came back to the room to get a bit more sleep.

We got up and headed out to check out the Livingstone craft market that was a stone’s throw from our hotel and then had a quick lunch or lunchish as it was at Wonderbake (suggested by Paul). We each had some semblance of a pie and sat with Daniel and David who were doing the same thing before they were to leave the next day and then we went back to the hotel for some laundry and a quick relax before dinner. We had decided to join Paul with his new recruits for the next leg of the tour for dinner and we brought Maria and Bernardo and Daniel and David and Gayle (oy) with us as they had an extra night here as well. Panos and Dawn were going to be there too as they were doing the 52 day tour from Capetown to Capetown. Dinner was at another Indian styled restaurant called Armadillo (right outside of the hotel) and we got to meet some of the new people who would accompany Panos and Dawn for the next few days from Vic Falls to Jo’burg. It was nice to have a catch up chat with Daniel and David and Maria and Bernardo to get a feel of what everyone thought of about our tour and of course their thoughts of some of the people on it as well and just enjoy another meal together as we had one more full day on our own before we caught our next tour.

We came back from dinner, said our goodbyes and called it an early night as tomorrow was a big day for us and we hadn’t had one in awhile. We call it a ‘contiki’ day as we know it’s jam-packed but all of the exhaustion on the other end would be completely worthwhile. We went to sleep dreaming of wildlife and nature for tomorrow’s adventure!

Tomorrow: we walk with lions, jump in devil’s pool and head off to Zim!